屈原《九歌》新解、复原与英译 卓振英 著 目录(Contents) I. 前言 ......1 II. 九歌 The Nine Praises ......12 1)东皇太一 Praise to the Sovereign of the East ......12 2)云中君 Praise to the Lord of Cloud ...... 3)湘君、湘夫人 The Tryst of the Lord and Ladies of Xiang ...... 4)大司命Praise to Fate the Great ...... 5)少司命 Praise to Fate the Minor ...... 6)东君 Praise to the Sun God ...... 7)河伯 Praise to the Count of the Yellow River ...... 25 8)山鬼 Praise to the Goddess of Mountains ...... 9)国殇 Eulogy on the Martyrs of the State ...... III. 作者简介...... I. 前 言 2007年,外文局、中国翻译协会在北京举办“中译外:中国文化走向世界之路高层论坛”,由我和潘文国教授主持“文学典籍外译分论坛”。我在发言中把翻译划分为研究型和非研究型两种,简述了二者的差异,并将典籍外译归属于研究型翻译的范畴,粗浅地列举了需要仔细研究的问题(参看拙作《汉诗英译论纲》第二章),潘教授在点评中表示赞同。 我是遵循研究型翻译的理念来翻译《九歌》的。《九歌》中的诗篇到底是不同角色相互唱和,还是由一个巫兼任多种角色?湘君、湘夫人孰男孰女, 是单数还是复数?如何判定少司命的性别?《九歌》是11篇还是9篇?通过考辨、互文观照、文化关照及文本分析,诸如此类的学术问题逐一得到了解决。我采用的是诗学范式的翻译理论,以有关总体审度、形制研究、借形传神、炼词炼句、逻辑调适、风格重构、移情法、模糊化翻译法等理念指导自己的翻译实践。 《九歌―新解·复原·英译》与现有其它楚辞英译版本有诸多不同之处, 主要是: a.形制不同:其它版本的“九歌”有 11篇,该书有9 篇,有依有据,突破了近两千年来楚辞学主流见解的藩篱; b.内容解读不同:该书为文言与英译对照本,有作者的“楚辞新考五十例”等国学研究成果为依据,而不是依据某一白话版本,照本宣科、将错就错; c.借形传神的翻译策略与众不同:原文五、六、七、八行诗节变通地借鉴英诗五、六、七、八行诗体,在重构楚辞参差错落、活泼多样的风格方面不同于以四行或八行诗节一以贯之,与无韵或散文译法更是迥然有别; d.根据考据和文本分析,对唱词作了角色区分,脉络清晰。这一区分前无古人,是楚辞学上具有里程碑意义的的创举; e.长诗划分了诗章,有助于理解文义,产生阅读阶段感和获得感; f.没有注释,保持了经典的圣性且便于引用; g.诗人的形象建构不同:上承文库版的优势,建构了真实美好的人物及神灵形象。 总而言之,复原版《九歌》超越作为十一篇编排的窠臼,揭示了九歌或诙谐多趣、或雄浑悲壮的风格特征,因辨明了角色并划分了不同角色的唱词而使脉络清晰、文义浅显;恢复了九歌的歌舞剧形制,从而恢复了《九歌》在文艺发展史上应有的地位,同时也为翻译提供了可靠的参照。《九歌―新解·复原·英译》是国学研究与典籍翻译研究的结晶。它赋予楚辞以新的生命形态,拓展了楚辞的生存空间,奠定了《楚辞》在国际上经典化的基石,是中国文化走出去、参与交流融通的又一举措。 复原版为《九歌》的舞台表演提供了蓝本。在演出中,各篇除了主角(神灵和灵巫),“山鬼”中的赤豹、文狸,“湘君与湘夫人”中的从女、远者,等等,也都应该作为配角出场,以渲染气氛,增添情趣,更好地表现主题以取得更佳的舞台效果。至于道具、场景、表演套路以及角色的化装和打扮等等的构思与设计,还是应该留待编剧等专业人员去谋划。 经朋友推荐,中华文艺网编委会评审后,决定予以刊载。我谨在此对有关编审人士及网站表示衷心的感谢! 卓振英 2024年12月26日
II. 九歌 The Nine Praises 1. 东皇太一 Praise to the Sovereign of the East (灵巫:) 吉日兮辰良,穆将愉兮上皇。 (Sing the Usherette:) Lucky is the hour, and auspicious th’ day; Now homage to th’ Sovereign of th’ East we’ll pay. (东皇太一:) 抚长剑兮玉珥,璆锵鸣兮琳琅。 (Sing Sovereign of the East) I lay hold of my long sword, which is inlaid With emerald, clanking my pendants of jade.
(灵巫:) 瑶席兮玉瑱,盍将把兮琼芳。 蕙肴蒸兮兰藉,奠桂酒兮椒浆。 扬枹兮拊鼓,疏缓节兮安歌, 陈竽瑟兮浩倡。 (Sing the Usherette:) Fixed with opal weights is th’ cushion divine, And the fragrant bouquets look nice and fine. Lo, on the boneset is th’ orchid-steamed meat, And brewed with cassia is th’ nectar sweet. Drum-sticks raised, resounding many a drum, ’Tis in slow rhythms that we sing and hum. To the yu and se’s perfect melody, The anthem we carol in harmony.
(东皇太一:) 灵偃蹇兮姣服,芳菲菲兮满堂。 (Sing Sovereign of the East) Aroma imbuing th’ ritual hall’s space, Plumed enchantresses dance with easy grace. (灵巫:) 五音纷兮繁会,君欣欣兮乐康。 (Sing the Usherette:) The pitches of the music rise and fall; Delighted, the Sovereign will bless us all!
2. 云中君 Praise to the Lord of Cloud (灵巫:) 浴兰汤兮沐芳,华采衣兮若英。 灵连蜷兮既留,烂昭昭兮未央。 (Sing the Usherette:) To usher in the Lord I am now brilliantly plumed; In orchid water I have bathed and myself perfumed. Now that the beloved Lord of Cloud descends and stays, The cosmos is imbued in his splendorous rays. (云中君:) 謇将憺兮寿宫,与日月兮齐光。 龙驾兮帝服,聊翱游兮周章。 (Sing the Lord of Cloud:) So pleased and contented with my majestic shrine, Like th’ Major and the Minor Lights I now do shine. In th’ cart with draught dragons and in kingly attire, I oft-times, when I please, tour the cosmos entire. 49
(灵巫:) 灵皇皇兮既降,猋远举兮云中。 览冀洲兮有余,横四海兮焉穷。 思夫君兮太息,极劳心兮忡忡。 (Sing the Usherette:) Having stayed long in th’ secular world, he does rise; In a twinkle, he’s high back into th’ holy skies. Dominating over Jizhou the Middle Land, His glory o’er th’ infinity he does expand. O’er the departure of the Lord of Cloud I grieve; With yearning seething in me, oh, long sighs I heave! 3. 湘君、湘夫人 The Tryst of the Lord and Ladies of Xiang (湘君:) 君不行兮夷犹,蹇谁留兮中洲? 美要眇兮宜修,沛吾乘兮桂舟。 (Sing the Lord of Xiang:) My beloved ones, are you still hesitating? And what on earth keeps you on th’ midstream isle waiting? Nice and fair, you must have made yourselves up to taste; To join me on th’ cassia boat you’d better make haste.
(湘夫人:) 帝子降兮北渚,目眇眇兮愁予。 袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。 (Sing the Ladies of Xiang: ) princesses by birth we now descend on the North Isle, Eager expectancy makes our yearning hearts ache. We can see only th’ leaves falling in th’ autumn winds And the waves surging in the boundless Dongting Lake!
(湘君:) 令沅湘兮无波,使江水兮安流。 望夫君兮未来,吹参差兮谁思? (Sing the Lord of Xiang:) May the Yuan and th’ Xiang Rivers calmly go, And the waters therein tranquilly flow. Oh, it is for you , who fail to appear, That my flute sounds melodiously drear!
(湘夫人:) 白薠兮骋望,与佳期兮夕张。 鸟萃兮苹中?罾何为兮木上? (Sing the Ladies of Xiang) For the tryst we have prepared tents and all. Gazing far on th’ sedge slope nothing we see. Were we th’ birds which wrongly nest on th’ duckweed? Were we casting th’ fishing net atop th’ tree?
(湘君:) 驾飞龙兮北征,邅吾道兮洞庭。 薜荔柏兮蕙绸,荪桡兮兰旌。 望涔阳兮极浦,横大江兮扬灵。 (Sing the Lord of Xiang) In the Dragon boat a northbound course I take, Through twists and turns I make for th’ Dongting Lake. Fig sceens, orchid sails and all are secure; Jasmine flags fly, sweet-flag oars are applied. Though the shoal of Cenyang still looks obscure, O’er th’ Great River my boat does swiftly glide!
(湘夫人:) 沅有芷兮澧有兰,思公子兮未敢言。 荒忽兮远望,观流水兮潺湲。 (Sing the Ladies of Xiang:) The Yuan River boasts of cymbidium, and th’ Li of Orchids; but alas, no word of love dare we say! Peering into the distance, we can only see The babbling waters hastily surging away!
(湘君:) 扬灵兮未极, 女婵媛兮为余太息。 横流涕兮潺湲, 隐思君兮陫侧。 桂棹兮兰枻, 斵冰兮积雪。 采薜荔兮水中, 搴芙蓉兮木末。 (Sing the Lord of Xiang:) We row with might and main, but all’s in vain. E’en our maids sigh for my unfulfilled dreams. I could hardly hide my yearning and pain, With sad tears rolling down my cheeks like streams! Magnolia helm and Cassia oars Plough the waves, which splash up like gobs of snows. Could I be plucking in a water course Fig blooms, or lotus that atop trees grows?
(湘夫人:) 麋何食兮庭中? 蛟何为兮水裔? 朝驰余马兮江皋, 夕济兮西澨。 (Sing the Ladies of Xiang:) Could the stags expect to browse in a barren yard? What whim has brought the silly dragons to the beach? At dawn we galloped along the river bank, In the eve the West Shoal we by ferry did reach.
(湘君:) 心不同兮媒劳, 恩不甚兮轻绝。 石濑兮浅浅, 飞龙兮翩翩。 交不忠兮怨长, 期不信兮告余以不闲。 朝骋骛兮江皋, 夕弭节兮北渚。 鸟次兮屋上, 水周兮堂下。 (Sing the Lord of Xiang:) Could it be that we were not of th’ same mind, Or that our love were too slight? In spite of that Our Flitting Dragon is leaving behind The crystal waters, which on pebbles spat. In unfaithfulness grievances reside. Were you breaking tryst with me on a plea ? At dawn I galloppped along th’ Riverside, Now that I’m on th’ North Isle what can I see? Only th’ birds which atop the roofs repose, And a river that past the houses flows!53
(湘夫人:) 闻佳人兮召予, 将腾驾兮偕逝。 筑室兮水中, 葺之兮荷盖。 荪壁兮紫坛, 播芳椒兮成堂。 桂栋兮兰橑, 辛夷楣兮药房。 罔薜荔兮为帷, 擗蕙櫋兮既张。 白玉兮为镇, 疏石兰兮为芳。 芷葺兮荷屋, 缭之兮杜衡。 合百草兮实庭, 建芳馨兮庑门。 九嶷缤兮并迎, 灵之来兮如云。 (Sing the Ladies of Xiang:) That Your Highness summon us in mind we do bear; ’Tis devoutly wished that th’ same carriage we may share. Aquatic palaces for the event have thus been built, And for th’ roofs of which lotus leaves we have prepared. Sweet-flags dot the wall and purple shells make th’ court, And the fragrant pepper scent the walls of the rooms; Th’ cassia beams and orchid rafters smell of blooms. Th’ climbing fig tendrils are knitted into curtains, And wrought into screens are the orchids blue and white; Precious jadeite will be the weights for the cushions, And the floor strewn with fragrant flowers will delight! The roofs are decked with azaleas, and wild Gingers Brightly fringe the precincts. The flowers gayly lend Charm to the courtyard, and to th’ halls and th’ wing-chambers An irresistible fragrance they do forth send. Nice to greet all th’Jiuyi guests who come like clouds at full blast! But alas, the efforts turned out to be in vain at last!
(湘君:) 捐余玦兮江中, 遗余佩兮醴浦。 采芳洲兮杜若, 将以遗兮下女。 时不可兮再得, 聊逍遥兮容与。 (Sing the Lord of Xiang ) May th’ archery ring onto you by th’ River passed, And token pendants onto the Li Shoal I cast. Wild ginger flowers from th’ Fangzhou Isle I’ll obtain, Which will be floated to your maids whom I would please. Chance lost can’t be regained, but my love I’ll retain. For a while I might as well ramble ’bout at ease.
(湘夫人:) 捐余袂兮江中, 遗余褋兮澧浦。 搴汀洲兮杜若, 将以遗兮远者。 时不可兮骤得, 聊逍遥兮容与。 (Sing the Ladies of Xiang: ) The vests as tokens onto you may th’ River passed, And th‘ gift gowns and vests into the Li Shoal we cast. Wild ginger flowers from th’ Tingzhou Isle I’ll obtain, So that the entourage from afar we may please. Chance lost can’t be regained, but our love we’ll retain. For a while we might as well ramble ’bout at ease.
4. 大司命 Praise to Fate the Great (大司命:) 广开兮天门,纷吾乘兮玄云。 令飘风兮先驱,使涷雨兮洒尘。 (Sing Fate the Great :) Be the Gate of Heavens opened wide: On the holy clouds I am to ride. I ask Zephyr to be pioneer And Drizzle to make air clean and clear.
(灵巫:) 君回翔兮以下,逾空桑兮从女。 (Sing the Usherette:) You have come spiraling into view; Across Kongsang I’ll go to meet you.
(大司命:) 纷总总兮九州,何寿夭兮在予。 高飞兮安翔,乘清气兮御阴阳; (Sing Fate the Great :) The fates of mortals in the Nine Lands Are all in the firm grip of my hands; Of this and th’ nether worlds I take care. Now from th’ Vault I’m flying through pure air.
(灵巫:) 吾与君兮齐速,导帝之兮九坑。 (Sing the Usherette:) I will move with you at the same speed, And th’ way to Mount Jiugang I shall lead. (大司命:) 灵衣兮被被,玉佩兮陆离。 一阴兮一阳,众莫知兮余所为。 (Sing Fate the Great :) My attire is fluttering in th’ haze; My pendants are shedding splendid rays. Th’ negative versus th’ positive: ’Tis I that decide how long men’ll live!
(灵巫:) 折疏麻兮瑶华,将以遗兮离居。 老冉冉兮既极,不寖近兮愈疏。 (Sing the Usherette:) I pluck the holy hemp’s gem-like bloom For th’ Deity who would away zoom. Senility slowly creeping near, That I’d lose favor with you I fear.
(大司命:) 乘龙兮辚辚,高驰兮冲天。 (Sing Fate the Great :) The Dragon Carriage rumbling to th’ sky, Higher and higher I’m now to fly.
(灵巫:) 结桂枝兮延伫,羌愈思兮愁人。 愁人兮奈何,愿若今兮无亏。 固人命兮有当,孰离合兮可为? (Sing the Usherette:) Laurel in hand I can’t bear to part; I gaze upward with a saddened heart. ’Tis of no use, howe’er, just to weep: Morals I must e’er since duly keep! By our own stars we can’t but abide; To meet or to part who can decide? 5. 少司命 Praise to Fate the Minor (少司命:) 秋兰兮麋芜,罗生兮堂下。 绿叶兮素华,芳菲菲兮袭予。; (Sing Fate the Minor:) Rosemary and autumn orchids bright Grow lushly side by side ere the hall. Their leaves deep green, their blooms lily-white, Their flooding fragrance does me enthrall! (灵巫:) 夫人兮自有美子,荪何以兮愁苦? (Sing the Usherette:) Well, men may anyhow have their own pairs, Why shouldn’t you free yourself from th’ cares? (少司命:) 秋兰兮青青,绿叶兮紫茎; (Sing Fate the Minor:) My answer the autumn orchid now tells: Green leaves match the stems of a purple hue.
(灵巫:) 满堂兮美人,忽独与余兮目成。 (Sing the Usherette:) No wonder that among a hall of belles, I alone come into Your Honour’s view!
(少司命:) 入不言兮出不辞,乘回风兮载云旗。 悲莫悲兮生别离,乐莫乐兮新相知。 (Sing Fate the Minor:) Silent I came, and speechless I depart, Riding on gales with cloud flags fluttering. Newly-acquainted friends most delight th’ heart, While partings constitute the saddest thing.
(灵巫:) 荷衣兮蕙带,儵而来兮忽而逝。 夕宿兮帝郊,君谁须兮云之际。 (Sing the Usherette:) In a wink you come, all of a sudden you go, In a lotus garb and a pretty orchid band. Whome’er do you yearn to meet amid the clouds, oh, In the precincts of Palaces on Th’ Sacred Land ? (少司命:) 与女沐兮咸池,曦女发兮阳之阿; 望美人兮未来,临风怳兮浩歌; (Sing Fate the Minor:) I wish to bathe with you in the Heavenly Pond, And air your locks on th’ Valley where the Sun does rise. Waiting in vain for you, th’ belle of whom I am fond, I am now chanting my woes in the windy skies!
(灵巫:) 孔盖兮翠旌,登九天兮抚彗星。 竦长剑兮拥幼艾,荪独宜兮为民正。 (Sing the Usherette:) Midst feather flags and ’neath a peacock canopy, Th’ comets you soar up to th’ Dome of th’ Sky to carress. Oh, you’re worthy guardian of th’ commonality. Babe in hold and sword in hand, th’ nice and kind you bless! 6. 东君 Praise to the Sun God (灵巫:) 暾将出兮东方,照吾槛兮扶桑。 抚余马兮安驱,夜皎皎兮既明。 (Sing the Usherette:) To rise in the east is the morning sun, For he’s sent from Fusang to th’ railings streaks Of light. I curb my steed and at ease run, For with night fading away day now breaks.
(东君:) 驾龙輈兮乘雷,载云旗兮委蛇。 长太息兮将上,心低徊兮顾怀。 (Sing the Sun God) My dragon chariot’s rumbling astride Thunder, th’ cloud-flags fluttering alongside. Starting to ascend I heave a long sigh; Looking down, I’m kind of perplexed in th’ sky.
(灵巫:) 羌声色兮娱人,观者儋兮忘归。 縆瑟兮交鼓,萧钟兮瑶簴。 (Sing the Usherette:) So enchanting is the entertainment That spectators of the event are drowned. Th’ Smitten strings of se in concert with th’ drums, Vertical flutes and th’ complex bells resound.60
(东君:) 鸣篪兮吹竽,思灵保兮贤姱。 翾飞兮翠曾,展诗兮会舞。 (Sing the Sun God:) The chi’s being blown and the yu’s played, Which shows th’ smart usherette’s creative mind. Lithe being the whirling, graceful the steps, Th’ rhythm of verse and dance are well designed.
(灵巫:) 应律兮合节,灵之来兮敝日。 (Sing the Usherette) To the notes of th’ melody, the Sun God Now arrives with his entourage behind! (东君:) 青云衣兮白霓裳,举长矢兮射天狼。 操余弧兮反沦降,援北斗兮酌桂浆。 撰余辔兮高驰翔,杳冥冥兮以东行。 (Sing the Sun God ) In a costume of white cloud and blue haze, To shoot the Heaven Wolf my bow I raise. Arrow in hand, my way back I’m to make. To fetch Osmanthus Wine from th’ Moon I take The Dipper. Let the reins be held and seized ! I’ll fly high in th’ nocturnal shade to th’ east. 7. 河伯 Praise to the Count of the Yellow River (灵巫:) 与女游兮九河,冲风起兮水扬波。 (Sing the Usherette:) Could you include me in th’ zigzag tour of th’ River? Exciting to see th’ towering waves your move heaves!
(河伯:) 乘水车兮荷盖,驾两龙兮骖螭。 (Sing Count of the Yellow River : ) Let’s ride on th’ hydro-carriage and four draught dragons Underneath th’ canopy that’s made of lotus leaves. (灵巫:) 登昆仑兮四望,心飞扬兮浩荡。 日将暮兮怅忘归,惟极浦兮寤怀。 鱼鳞屋兮龙堂,紫贝阙兮珠宫。 灵何为兮水中? (Sing the Usherette:) Atop Mount Kunlun I gaze far and wide, Finding my mind care-free and magnified. Carried away by th’ scenes, I’m not aware Of dusk. Howe’er, for th’ yonder shoal I care. Fish-scaled domes with dragons painted on th’ halls, Purple shell towers and pearled palace walls — Your interest in such a place what forth calls? (河伯:) 乘白鼋兮逐文鱼,与女游兮河之渚; 流澌纷兮将来下。 (Sing Count of the Yellow River: ) Here I chase the Carp astride Turtle White; And now I tour with you in great delight. Besides, the surging waves are quite a sight! (灵巫:) 子交手兮东行,送美人兮南浦。 (Sing the Usherette:) After farewell you’ll go east, my lord; Let me send you off on the southern ford. (河伯:) 波滔滔兮来迎,鱼鳞鳞兮媵予。 (Sing Count of the Yellow River : ) Th’ dancing waves are greeting me in high glee; And th’ fish are come to keep me company! 8. 山鬼 Praise to the Goddess of Mountains (灵巫:) 若有人兮山之阿,被薜荔兮带女萝。 (Sing the Usher:) A soul seems to be coming down the mountain crest, In fig-leave cloak and usnea skirt she’s comely dressed. (山鬼:) 既含睇兮又宜笑,子慕予兮善窈窕。 乘赤豹兮从文狸,辛夷车兮结桂旗。 (Sing Goddess of Mountains :) Lo, my smiles are sweet and my eyes look tender, You can’t but admire me for th’ figure slender. I ride on th’ leopard-drawn magnolia cart; Laurel flags waving, ahead th’musk foxes dart. (灵巫:) 被石兰兮带杜衡,折芳馨兮遗所思。 (Sing the Usher:) Th’ asarum gown with wild ginger belt I wear, For th’ soul of my heart a bouquet I prepare. (山鬼:) 余处幽篁兮终不见天,路险难兮独后来。 表独立兮山之上,云容容兮而在下。 (Sing Goddess of Mountains :) I come from bamboo groves which obscure th’ sky, And my arrival th’ rugged paths have delayed. I loom on the summit of the mountain high, watching the clouds miraculously arrayed. 63 (灵巫:) 杳冥冥兮羌昼晦,东风飘兮神灵雨。 留灵修兮憺忘归,岁既晏兮孰华予。 (Sing the Usher:) Th’ sky’s bleak and obscure even during day time, As breezes oft inspire Providence to rain. But I’m lost in th’ fancy of th’ tryst. If my prime I am past, who could make me robust again? (山鬼:) 采三秀兮于山间,石磊磊兮葛蔓蔓。 怨公子兮怅忘归,君思我兮不得闲。 (Sing Goddess of Mountains :) For a gift in Mount Wu I pick magic plants Midst the jagged rocks and intertwining vines. My scion failing to come, a sad song I chant. Is it true he’s too busy but for me pines? (灵巫:) 山中人兮芳杜若,饮石泉兮荫松柏。 君思我兮然疑作。 (Sing the Usher:) Oh, Soul of Mounts, you are th’ pollia in full bloom. You drink from springs and take shelter under the pines. Are you doubtful of me, while love in you does boom? (山鬼) 雷填填兮雨冥冥,猿啾啾兮狖夜鸣; 风飒飒兮木萧萧,思公子兮徒离忧。 (Sing Goddess of Mountains :) Apes are jabbering and monkeys howling at night; By day thunders are booming and pouring is th’ rain. Th’ winds whistling and leaves falling make a rueful sight! Oh, would I be yearning for my scion but in vain? 9. 国殇 Eulogy on the Martyrs of the State (众将士:) 操吴戈兮披犀甲,车错毂兮短兵接。 旌蔽日兮敌若云,矢交坠兮士争先。 (Sing the Usherettes:) Clad in rhino armor, dagger-axes we wield; Th’ chariots clashing, at the foes we bravely tear. Th’ banners hiding th’ sun, the foes surge like clouds in th’ field, Yet we charge ahead, arrows crisscrossing in th’ air. (将领:) 凌余阵兮躐余行,左骖殪兮右刃伤。 霾两轮兮絷四马,援玉枹兮击鸣鼓。 (Sing the Commander:) Our lines broken through, our ranks are in disarray; My left-side steed’s killed, and wounded th’ right side one’s become. The reins are entangled, and bogged down two wheels stay; I raise high the stick of jade, though, and beat the signal drum. (众将士:) 天时懟兮威灵怒,严杀尽兮弃原野。 出不入兮往不反,平原忽兮路超远。 带长剑兮挟秦弓,首身离兮心不惩。 (Sing in Chorus the Soldiers:) Fierce battles over, littered with corpses is now the plain; It seems that Heaven were falling because of wrath and pain; We set out resolved not to return but die A heroic death in the remote battle field. Our heads chopped off, without the least regret we lie. Th’ Qin bows are clenched tight, and th’ sabers we still seem to wield! (民众:) 诚既勇兮又以武,终刚强兮不可凌。 身既死兮神以灵,魂魄毅兮为鬼雄。 (Sing the Populace:) Oh, devoted and valiant souls of the state, Indomitable, a lofty realm you attain! Your are slain, but with glory will shine your deeds great, And souls of all souls you shall forever remain! 礼魂 (众灵巫:) 成礼兮会鼓,传芭兮代舞; 姱女倡兮容与。 春兰兮秋菊,长无绝兮终古。 Epilogue ─Saluting to the Heroic Souls. (Sing the Usherettes:) The rites performed, majestic the drums sound And th’ belles meloudiously chant. To pay Homage we dance in turn and pass around Th’ posy. Orchids in spring we’ll for you lay And chrysanthemums in autumn for aye! 作者简介 卓振英系广东汕头大学教授、著名翻译家、新时期典籍外译领域领军人物之一。2001年创立汕头大学典籍英译研究中心,翌年与译界同仁建立全国典籍英译研究会并担任副会长,2009年建立浙江师范大学外国语学院典籍英译研究所并担任所长,该研究所于2016年升级为校级研究中心后担任首席教授。曾连续三届担任中国英汉语比较研究会常务理事兼典籍英译学科委员会召集人、中国典籍英译研究会副会长,对典籍翻译研究这一新兴学科方向的形成与发展发挥了积极的作用。创立了诗学范式汉诗英译理论,出版著作10余部,其中有理论代表作《汉诗英译论纲》(2011)、翻译代表作《大中华文库·楚辞》(2006)和《咏情言志》(Songs of weal and Woe,2023)、国学研究与翻译的代表作“楚辞新考50例”(2006)、《璀璨的楚辞:新解·复原·英译》(2024)。 About the author Zhuo Zhenying is concurrently professor of English at Shantou University and chief professor at the Research Centre for the Studies on Classics Translation at Home and Abroad, Zhejiang Normal University. As a leading figure in the field of studies on the translation of classics, he has initiated the establishment of the National Association of Classics Translation Studies, developed the theory of the poetic paradigm governing the related area, and published some books and research papers. Positions he had / has held include Director of Research Centre for the Translation of Classics, Shantou University, member of the STU Academic Committee, Vice-chairman of the National Association of Studies on Classics Translation, member of the Standing Council of China Association for the Comparative Studies of English and Chinese(CACSEC), Co-chairman of CACSEC Disciplinary Committee of Classics Translation, and Honorary Member of CACSEC Executive Council. 供稿:原作者 | 责任编辑:牧 野 |